Ideas N Play - January 2021

Ideas N Play is an afternoon of new work, where artists play, juegan, with new ideas in front of an audience.

Each artist(s) will have 10-15 mins to present their original work live on Zoom on January 16, 2021 at 1pm eastern time.

At the end of the sharing, Jugando N Play will facilitate a Q & A and artist feedback session driven by the artists involved.

Ideas N Play will feature new work for young audiences by the artists Elise Goldin, Amelia Hefferon, Bonnie Kim, Soogkyung “Sue” Kim, M. J. Kang, and IETA Theater Group.

Learn more about the artists HERE.

Ideas N Play is inspired by scratch nights, which are popular in the UK.

What is a scratch night?

“Scratch nights are events where short pieces in the full variety of theatrical forms are tested in front of an audience, usually for the first time. They might be short plays by writers made specifically for the event...They could be work that a playwright and director have been paired together for...Or they could be more fluid affairs where companies, artists and performers want to try out material at the earliest possible stage.”
